Natural Cold & Sinus Remedies - Roundup!

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I am finally coming up for air after spending the month of October with various colds, coughs, and viruses (yes, THE virus!). The fall is already a tough time for my sinuses since I have severe environmental allergies this time of the year. I’ve turned to herbalism and natural remedies for keeping symptoms under control and to build up my immune system to prevent another round of illness. Here’s a round up of my favorites!

Please be sure to consult with a medical doctor before making any medical/pharmaceutical decisions.

Fire Cider is an infused vinegar loaded with immune-boosting goodness. You combine citrus, ginger, spicy peppers, turmeric, fresh herbs, garlic, and more with raw vinegar and let it steep at room temperature for about a month before straining and adding raw honey or agave to balance it out. It’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immune boosting!

I have been taking this tincture for a week and have been loving it! Tinctures are super easy to make - you just infuse herbs (dried or fresh) in high-proof alcohol (Everclear) for about a month. You can also use vinegar or glycerin if you are alcohol free or want to give it to a child! Then you strain and store in a container. This goldenrod tincture is a combination of goldenrod (decongestant), elderflower (antiviral), yarrow (anti-inflammatory/antimicrobial), and nettle leaf (antihistamine).

This essential oil inhaler has been a savior for many, many years. You can find them in most grocery stores or you can make one yourself by soaking cotton balls or natural fiber fabric in essential oils like peppermint and eucalyptus. Store it in a small tupperware and inhale deeply when needed to clear sinus passages.

My mom made us shower steamers last year and gave them to us in our stockings. Such an amazing stocking stuffer! These are similar to bath bombs but packed with peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils. They dissolve with the hot water of a shower and release sinus clearing scents!

Chamomile or Ginger Lemon Tea

I grew chamomile for the first time this year and it was one of those many homesteading “AHA” moments. You know, when you realize that what you’ve been conditioned to believe was only available through paying someone else to produce it for you is actually really easy and simple to do yourself? Sip on some hot tea and melt that sore throat away!

I’d love to hear your natural remedies for cold and sinus illness. Leave them in the comments below!


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